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Real Life Skin Care for the Healthcare Professional: Our Conversation with Katie

A 12-hour shift anywhere is a long day. Especially if you’re on your feet the whole time taking care of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Now add the discomfort of your hands being constantly scrubbed, lathered, rinsed, and gloved- all for good reason- but sometimes it’s the little things that can make or break your day.

We recently met Katie, a registered nurse in Philadelphia, PA and a colleague of Kim’s in the ICU, who is also working on creating a balanced skin care routine for her hands.

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Real Life Skin Care for the Healthcare Professional: Our Conversation with Kim

As a skin care company created by a physician with a passion to craft simple, natural, and responsible products for other healthcare professionals, we wanted to get to know some healthcare professionals and get to know a little bit about their skin care at work and at home.

We spoke to Kim, a registered nurse in an acute care hospital in Philadelphia, PA, who works in the intensive care unit taking care of adult patients who may, at times, be recovering from surgery.

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